Please add your voice to those calling for the release of Haile, Kiflu and hundreds of other Eritrean Christians. 20 years is too long!

  1. PRAY for the hundreds of Christians imprisoned in Eritrea. Ask God to sustain, protect and provide for their wives, children and grandchildren. Pray that, by God’s grace, these families may be reunited soon.
  2. SHARE the story, and encourage Christian friends to join you in adding their name to the voices demanding these prisoners’ release. Use the hashtag #20Years2Long in your social media post.
    Sample Posts:
    • On May 23, 2004, Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel and Pastor Haile Nayzgi were arrested in Eritrea. They have been denied legal counsel and the official charges of their arrest have never been released. @EmbassyEritrea and @PAfwerki, I join in demanding their release! #20Years2Long
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    • There are 300+ Christians imprisoned in Eritrea right now, including Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel and Pastor Haile Nayzgi - imprisoned for 20 years today. Release Christian prisoners, @AmbStesfamariam @PAfwerki @Eritrea_UN #20Years2Long #ReleaseEritreanPrisoners
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    • Hebrews 13:3 calls us to remember Christians imprisoned as though we were with them. What would you have missed in your life if you were in an Eritrean prison with Dr. Kiflu and Pastor Haile for the last 20 years? Eritrea must #ReleaseEritreanPrisoners #20Years2Long @Eritrea_UN
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    • The last time Dr. Kiflu & Pastor Haile experienced life as free men was the morning of May 23, 2004. For 20 years, they’ve been separated from family. No official charges against them. No legal counsel. Why have you restricted their freedom for so long, @PAfwerki? #20Years2Long
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    • Retweet and share one thing you would have missed out on if you’d been in prison for 20 years with Pastor Haile and Dr. Kiflu in #Eritrea. #20Years2Long
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  3. CONTACT the Eritrean Embassy in Washington, D.C., or in your home country, and respectfully urge the release of Haile, Kiflu and other imprisoned Christians (currently estimated at 150) who were arrested simply for following Jesus Christ. Here’s the contact information:
    Sample Letter to the Embassy:
    Berhane G. Solomon
    Chargé d’Affaires
    Embassy of the State of Eritrea
    1708 New Hampshire Ave NW
    Washington, DC 20009
    Via FAX: 1-202-319-1304
    Dear Sir:
    I am writing to request that your government release two Christian pastors who have been in prison for 20 years.
    Prior to his arrest, Kiflu Gebremeskel was the founder and senior pastor of Southwest Full Gospel Church and the leader of the Eritrean Evangelical Association. Haile Nayzgi was the leader of the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea. Both were arrested on May 23, 2004. They have been in prison ever since.
    Followers of Jesus Christ are not a threat to your government. In fact, the Bible tells Christians to pray for those in authority over them (1 Timothy 2:1–4). These men have done nothing to deserve being locked up and separated from their wives and children.
    I ask that you, along with His Excellency President Isaias Afwerki and your government, release these two men — and the hundreds of other Christians currently imprisoned for practicing their religious faith — immediately. This would be a significant demonstration that Eritrea’s leaders recognize basic human rights, including religious freedom, for all Eritrean citizens.
    Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. I look forward to your response, and I pray God’s blessings on your nation and on these imprisoned pastors.
  4. DONATE to help provide for the needs of the church in Eritrea, including Christian prisoners and their families.