Five Ways to Pray for Persecuted Christians in Nigeria

As our Christian brothers and sisters face hostile opposition in Nigeria, we can support them in prayer.

Here are five ways to pray:

  1. Pray that our persecuted Christian family members in Nigeria will be filled with joy and peace that results in overflowing hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
  2. Praise God for their testimony, which inspires Christians around the world toward boldness and faithfulness. (Romans 1:8–10)
  3. Pray that God will comfort our Christian brothers and sisters in Nigeria who are experiencing affliction and that the comfort of Christ will overflow into the lives of others. (2 Corinthians 1:3–7)
  4. Pray that God will strengthen their hearts and that their love for one another and their persecutors will abound. (1 Thessalonians 3:9–13)
  5. Pray that enemies of the gospel and persecutors of God’s people will be reconciled to God as they repent and place their faith in Christ. (Romans 5:10)