Five Ways You Can Pray
Please join us in praying for Christians imprisoned in Eritrea!Give Now

Hundreds of our brothers and sisters in Christ are in jail simply because of their Christian witness. As they are faithful to follow Christ in some of the harshest conditions in the world, let us remember them and their families in prayer. Here are five ways to pray:

Pray that our imprisoned Christian family members will not grow weary and that the Lord will renew their strength as they hope in him. (Isaiah 40:31)
Man holding white chair, praying
Pray that they will be faithful witnesses to their fellow inmates and prison officials, making the most of every opportunity to proclaim the good news about Christ. (Colossians 4:3–5)
Man praying
Pray that God’s presence will comfort the families of those imprisoned as he draws near to them and lifts their spirits. (Psalm 34:18)
Group of men with heads bowed praying
Pray to thank God for the faithful testimony of Eritrean believers, and pray that it will inspire other Christians around the world toward boldness and faithfulness. (Romans 1:8–10)
Crowd in front of pink wall waving
Pray that those opposed to the gospel in Eritrea will experience the love of Christ and be reconciled to God. (Romans 5:10)
Man with open arms singing

Your Gift Provides

pastoral care

Please prayerfully consider giving a generous donation to help us support more than 250 Christian prisoners and their families with food, medicine, clothing and pastoral care. Thank you, and may God bless you!