Five Ways to Pray for Nigerian Christians
Prayer is an essential way we can stand with persecuted Christians in Nigeria. Here are five ways to pray for both the persecuted — who have lost parents, loved ones, homes and livelihoods — and their persecutors.
Pray for those whose spouses, parents and children have been killed for their faith by Islamic extremists. Pray that they will experience God’s comfort as they grieve the loss of loved ones. (2 Corinthians 1:3–7)

Pray that Nigerian Christians who have been driven from their homes will experience the Lord’s abundant care and provision. (Psalm 146:7–9)

Pray for those who have experienced violence. Pray that God will heal their trauma, giving them spiritual, emotional and mental peace. (Psalm 147:1–3)

Pray for the protection of front-line workers in Nigeria as they work to advance the gospel, and pray that the seed of God’s Word will bear abundant fruit. (Matthew 13:23)

Pray for the persecutors — members of Boko Haram, militant Fulani Muslims and even Muslim family members and neighbors. Pray that the Lord will help them see the wickedness of their actions and that they will repent and place their faith and hope in Jesus Christ. (1 Timothy 1:15–16)