Pray with theGlobal Church during Lent

People praying in church serviceMan prayingOlder and younger women praying togetherGroup praying inside

The Lord desires that his children pray for one another and with one another. The number one request of persecuted Christians is for prayer.

During this Lenten season, you are invited into a special time of prayer and fellowship with several of our Christian family members serving persecuted Christians around the world. We hope this opportunity for fellowship with them will inspire and encourage you in your faith!

Each Saturday, a new prayer video will be posted, giving you the unique opportunity to pray for and with our brothers and sisters as they lead us in prayer for specific countries, regions and people.

Will you join them in prayer throughout this season?

  • Pray with Christians in Kenya

    Through this short video, join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in Kenya for this hostile area.

  • Pray with Christians in Benin

    Join our brothers and sisters in Benin in prayer for this hostile nation.

People praying in church service

Stand with Persecuted Christians

Serve persecuted Christians in hostile areas and restricted nations and be a voice for them. Your gift addresses all ministry needs, including the immediate needs of our persecuted brothers and sisters, while calling Christians around the world into closer fellowship with the persecuted and to a deeper commitment to Christ.

Yes, I want my very own copy of the 2025 Global Prayer Guide with any gift.

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