Session 1We Aren’t Born Saints

Generally, people don’t come to Christ through a one-time sales pitch. It usually takes a number of people, over a significant period of time, investing in the process to lead others to Christ. Additionally, as we participate in this process of sharing Christ faithfully, we should expect rejection.
- What do you observe about Richard’s growth in his faith as he considered Christ and shared his journey with Sabina, even though she openly opposed it?
- Which characteristics of God’s love do you see in Richard’s interactions with Sabina?
Gracia and Martin quoted Scripture when Gracia began to question God’s love during their captivity. The truth of Scripture anchored their thoughts in understanding God’s nature and character in the midst of their trial.
- What do the following passages reveal about the character and depth of God’s love?
- Romans 5:6–8—What is most remarkable about Christ’s sacrifice for us, and what does it reveal about God’s love for us?
- Ephesians 2:1–5—What is the evidence of someone who is “dead” in sin, and what did God’s love do for us when we were at our worst?
Think about ways God has shown his love to you. How does that motivate you to share his love with others?