Since 2011, Pastor Prem and his wife, Amala, have served in an area of India where pastors and Christian organizations serve for a short time but then leave because of persecution. The area is the central hub in the district for the Hindu nationalist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Prem and Amala now lead a church with about 35 believers. Prem has been beaten four times, faces constant pressure from the community and is continually watched.

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Categories: iCommitToPray

Kila, who is in his late twenties, survived an East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT) terrorist attack on a small group of Kalimago villagers in 2022. His friend, Marten Solon, was killed in the attack. Kila shared about the experience and how God used it to motivate him when he was a nominal Christian to live his life for God rather than himself. Kila is still experiencing some ongoing health complications due to the trauma of the attack.

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Categories: iCommitToPray

After a Christmas worship service in December 2023, Pastor Raj Kumar Yadav received a phone call from an unknown person. At first, the caller asked seemingly innocent questions about the celebratory service, and the pastor answered in general terms. Then the person asked how many people were fed cow meat during the meal. The question raised concerns in the pastor’s mind, since Hindus consider cows sacred and have sometimes made trouble by claiming that Christians have slaughtered and eaten cows.

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Categories: iCommitToPray

When Somanid came to faith in Christ in 2000 at age 17, he immediately faced persecution. He decided to move to a new province, where he built a home, started a family in his new village and became part of a fellowship of more than 100 Christians. Recently, village leaders demanded that all families, including Christians, must donate money for the traditional spirit ceremonies, but the Christians all refused. On May 15, 2024, the leaders announced over loudspeakers that all Christians were required to leave the village, on the grounds that they were disobedient to village authorities.

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Categories: iCommitToPray

Some governments in Central Asia have outlawed all ministry to children. Nevertheless, Christians in the region remain committed to teaching young people about the Bible and Jesus Christ. In recent years, numerous pastors have had to pay fines for their outreach efforts. “The bank accounts of one pastor were checked and analyzed. When his activities were found, he had to pay a huge fine,” said a front-line worker.

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Categories: iCommitToPray