Oudong and his wife, Lae, placed their trust in Christ in May 2023, becoming the first Christians in their village. Two weeks after their conversion, the village head came to their home and told them to stop worshiping Jesus Christ because Buddhism and animism were the only religions permitted in the village. The couple, along with their four children, began to travel two hours each way to gather in worship and fellowship with believers in another city, but this did not satisfy the authorities.
Read MoreIt was four in the morning when Els Woodke answered the phone to hear the words she’d been praying for and waiting on for six-and-a-half years: “Jeff has been recovered!” The last two weeks we’ve shared the story of Jeffery Woodke, American gospel worker in West Africa captured by Islamists and held hostage for more than six years. Now, Jeff’s wife, Els, shares her side of the story of waiting and wondering and praying through that long ordeal—and how God helped her never to hate Jeff’s captors. “The moment I heard Jeff was kidnapped, I cried out to God,” Els says. Shortly after Jeff’s abduction, Els felt the Lord saying to her, “I want you to love the enemy.” She answered that call, never letting bitterness or anger toward the terrorists holding Jeff find a place in her heart. “I lived in the Psalms,” she says, often taking the prayers and promises recorded by the Psalmist and making them her own prayers for Jeff. Among those prayers was, “Keep him alive in famine” and “deliver him from death,” based on Psalm 33:19. After Jeff’s release in March, 2023, Els learned that his circumstances in captivity had been even worse than she could’ve imagined. Listen in as Els speaks to the people all around the world who prayed for Jeff’s release and for her. It strengthened her faith to hear that people were fervently and faithfully praying for Jeff—for years—without knowing his condition. “Thank you for your faithfulness,” Els says as she shares how peoples’ prayers encouraged her to keep the faith. Please continue to pray for Jeff and Els Woodke as they continue to reconnect and recover from their experience and forced separation. Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast. Or you can listen each week—and get daily prayer reminders for persecuted Christians—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet.
Read MoreIn spring of 2023, two young men from a Christian family were convicted under Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws of blaspheming the Islamic prophet Mohammed. Conviction under these laws brings a mandatory death sentence. These laws are applied disproportionately against the small Christian minority in Pakistan. While these men appeal their cases, they remain on death row. Their families struggle to pay legal fees and provide for the young men’s needs in prison.
Read MoreAisosa’s father is a traditional tribal sorcerer in Benin. When he started performing ceremonies for a certain local god, his family members began to die. Eventually, all of Aisosa’s siblings and her mother died. Then Aisosa became sick, and her father wanted her to sacrifice a chicken to his god, but Aisosa did not want to worship her father’s god any longer. A Christian woman in her village reached out to the 23-year-old and invited her to church.
Read MoreFor years, front-line workers have been broadcasting the gospel message into North Korea using shortwave radio. Their broadcasts include Bible readings, sermons by early Korean Christians, hymns and common North Korean songs that have been rewritten with Christian lyrics. Official and unofficial surveys, as well as an increase in jamming efforts by the North Korean government, continue to show that these broadcasts are effectively reaching listeners in North Korea. A North Korean defector reported that he enjoyed listening to the rewritten songs, and he mentioned one that he especially enjoyed, originally titled “Our Party Is the Best” but changed to “Our God Is the Best.”
Read More“Hope is the first thing to go” Jeffery Woodke says, speaking about his six-and-a-half years as a hostage held by radical Islamist terror groups. He says he started out, after being kidnapped, praying eight hours a day. But over the years his hopelessness increased and his prayer time faded to twenty minutes daily. Suicidal, he beseeched his persecutors numerous times to take his life, knowing heaven would be much better than his existence as a hostage chained to a tree. Despite his doubts, God was always with Jeff. He found he couldn’t abandon prayer altogether. Listen as Jeff shares more about his time as a hostage; his hunger and water strikes to get better treatment and the ongoing trauma he deals with after his experience as a captive. He’ll tell the stories he heard about the Covid pandemic—and how he assumed his family must have all died and mourned their loss. Jeff will also tell about his release, from getting a “fruit basket” from the leader of his terrorist captors to being taken to the largest gathering of jihadists and Mujahadin he’d ever seen. It was there, under a tree, he met the French journalist Olivier Dubois. The two men were released together in March, 2023. Jeff spent several days in medical care after his release as doctors tried to stabilize his health before he could get on a plane to return to the US. One of the first things he asked for was a Bible. “It’s good to have the Word of God,” he says. He quickly turned to the gospel of John and began to read. Jeff’s testimony of forgiveness is powerful. After being chained physically, Jeff asks why anyone would chain themselves up willingly with unforgiveness? Forgiveness, he says, can cut those chains. Jeffery Woodke is still learning to process his years of hostage trauma. Pray for healing as he and Els explore what this season in their life will be. Jeff was amazed and humbled how Christians around the world prayed fervently for his release. “Prayer works,” he says. He’ll help us continue to pray for persecuted Christians still held hostage in West Africa and other parts of the world. Join VOM Radio host, Todd Nettleton, for the I-Am-N Virtual Event on March 8. Registration is free. You may also want to talk to your pastor or church leaders about hosting this inspiring event at your church. More details at www.IamNevent.com Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast. Or you can listen each week—and get daily prayer reminders—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet.
Read MoreArmed terrorists, often connected to the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS), have ravaged parts of Niger, particularly in the west near its borders with Mali and Burkina Faso. Much of the country’s small Christian population has been displaced in the violence: “Many have seen their parents or family members shot and killed,” a front-line worker said. Additionally, after Niger’s president was overthrown by military officers in a July 2023 coup, the Islamic Council of Niger has been pushing to change the country from a secular democracy into an Islamic republic governed by sharia law.
Read MoreDarya was depressed and scared. Her much older husband had suddenly died of a stroke, and her 8-year-old son had become angry and violent. “I consulted with different psychologists about my son’s behavior, but nothing improved,” Darya said. “Once in the middle of the night my son came into my room with a knife in his hand. I was so afraid that I didn’t sleep at all that night, and I just kept trying to calm my son down.” The next day she told a friend what had happened. That friend was a Christian who prayed for her and gave her an illustrated Action Bible to give to her son. When Darya went home, she started to read the Gospels.
Read MoreNarmith, a new Christian in a discipleship program in Bhutan, has been growing in her faith and has had many opportunities to practice sharing her testimony and the gospel with others. Recently, she met two women with severe hearing impairments. She spent the entire afternoon with them, explaining through improvised hand signs how much Jesus loves them before praying for them. One woman was moved to tears after the prayer and conversation.
Read More“It’s better to be dead than taken hostage.” When Jeff Woodke said those words, he didn’t know that he would be taken hostage from his home in Niger in 2016. But Woodke, a long-term relief and gospel worker in West Africa, did know there were risks. Risk wasn’t such a big issue in the early years of the ministry of Jeff and his wife, Els, in Niger with Youth With a Mission (YWAM). They worked in church planting, discipleship, and evangelism among the Wodaabe people. Niger was an open country, with churches throughout. What Christian persecution there was came from family members or neighbors who opposed following Jesus. However, over time the rise of Salafist Islam changed Niger—and increased their risk. Listen as Jeff recalls the night he was kidnapped and how the image of orange flashes from the guns which killed his guards are seared into his memory. Naked and bloody, Jeff was forced into the back seat of a truck and driven away, not knowing who his captors were or how long his captivity might last. Over the years, Jeff was transferred into the custody of multiple terror groups, beaten and mistreated. As a Christian who refused to embrace Islam, Jeff was seen as an animal. Some of his guards were only 12 years old. Yet Jeff says renouncing his faith in Christ and becoming a Muslim to get better treatment was never an option. Jeff shares what helped him during those difficult days and how he knew the Lord was with him. Listen as he tells why forgiveness was key and how he took opportunity daily to express it to his captors. Please pray for Jeff and Els as they continue to recover from the more than six years of Jeff’s captivity and come back next week as Jeff continues to share more of his experience being a hostage and his eventual release and freedom. Register now to join VOM Radio host, Todd Nettleton, at the I-Am-N Virtual Event on March 8. You may also want to talk to your pastor or church leaders about hosting this inspiring event at your church. More details and free registration at www.IamNevent.com Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast. Or you can listen each week—and get daily prayer reminders—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet.
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