In early 2024, 50 persecuted Khmu Christians from several villages participated in a gathering at a church where they could share their struggles and stories with other persecuted Christians; support and pray for one another; and receive encouragement from God’s Word. Front-line workers chose the location used because Christians at the host church have faced intense persecution in recent years, including the destruction of crops and forced payments for spirit sacrifices in the village.
Read MoreOmina was raised a Muslim, but when she started visiting a local church, she began to experience God’s love and care in a way she had never known before. She and her two daughters eventually became followers of Christ. But when her Muslim husband learned of their newfound faith, he threatened them and tried to force them to return to Islam. After they refused, he mocked them, beat them and withheld food from them.
Read MoreGift is only 19 years old but has already endured more anguish than most people in a lifetime. The young bride from Jos, Nigeria, saw her husband shot to death by militant Fulani Muslims. The attackers then shot her in the hand. Pregnant at the time, she collapsed and was taken to a hospital, where her baby was delivered by cesarean session. After this distressing experience, caring Christians provided for her emotional and spiritual needs through six months of encouragement and biblical counseling.
Read MoreAn Egyptian Christian convert from Islam has faced intense family pressure since becoming a follower of Christ. The woman’s father is an imam, an Islamic scholar, which made it difficult for her to be in public without scrutiny. In Egypt, Christian converts from Islam can experience harsh opposition from their families. Their Muslim families often feel an intense sense of shame or dishonor because they see their relatives’ new Christian faith as an affront to Islam.
Read MoreDuring the Christmas season of 2023, Pastor Mahesh Mukhiya encountered a Hindu monk on the street. He was unsure whether he should share the gospel with him, so he prayed in his heart and then finally approached the monk. After hearing about Jesus and Christianity, the monk immediately started shouting, calling others to punish Mahesh. Many people gathered, but most of the villagers recognized Mahesh and told the monk that he was a respected member of the village.
Read MoreA Jordanian Christian has received death threats since coming to faith in Christ. While undergoing training to become an imam [an Islamic religious leader], the man placed his trust in Christ. His conversion angered members of his family, who have threatened his life if he doesn’t successfully complete his training and move to a Gulf state to take up an Islamic post. “Your head will be on the street,” one of his family members told him. Front-line workers have requested prayer for the new believer as they determine how to best serve him.
Read MoreOn February 21, 2024, a 20-year-old Christian man was badly beaten for sharing the gospel. He was taken to the hospital with a severe head wound. All the medical personnel who saw him said he would not survive, but his surgery was successful, and he has returned home to recover.
Read MoreGambir Bahadur Rai thought Jesus was just one of many gods until a pastor gave him an audio Bible. As Gambir listened to the Gospel of John, his heart was transformed, and he became a follower of Christ. He carries the audio Bible with him everywhere, often playing it aloud where others can hear it as well. Gambir is enthusiastic about sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others in his village.
Read MorePolitical violence has escalated in Bangladesh, resulting in the resignation and flight of Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and at least 95 deaths on a single day (Aug. 4) in the capital city, Dhaka. Front-line workers report increased targeted attacks against Christians as a result. In one case, a church was attacked by an armed crowd that damaged vehicles and tried to set fire to the building early one morning.
Read MoreIn late 2023, unidentified citizens in a nation with a large Muslim population recorded a Christian worship gathering and then posted it online. Several women at the church service were converts to the faith and were worshiping without their Muslim husbands’ knowledge. When news that the women were attending church spread in the community, a mob gathered and threatened the church’s pastor and its members. Though no one was hurt, several families who attended the church are now harshly ostracized.
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