Christian Man Cares for Neighbors, Shares Gospel During Pandemic

Because of the recent surge of deaths due to coronavirus in India, Sandeep knew of the desperate needs of people living in surrounding villages. Risking his own health, he traveled to a remote village where people hadn’t eaten in three days and provided them with food and other necessities. The famished villagers were shocked at his acts of love and service. When Sandeep asked villagers if they would be willing to hear stories from the Bible, a man named Ram said, “Our (local government leader) did not come to check on us, and even local people in the village won’t help or share any food because of fear — but you, a complete stranger, have come and cared for us. We don’t know why. We want to listen to anything you will tell us.” Praise God for Sandeep’s faithfulness to love his neighbors, no matter the cost, and for his openness to share the gospel. Praise God for the way love opened the hearts of the villagers to hear the gospel. Pray that Christians throughout India will sacrificially love their neighbors in similar ways and that even more hearts will be opened.
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