Christians Hope to Build Church

A church in a Kenyan town with a significant Muslim population has met for years underneath a tree, and the group desperately needs a building. The church was founded in 2017 by a Kenyan missionary in the yard of his first convert. Front-line workers said, “The Kenyan missionary who started the church received a lot of intimidation and mockery. He was marked to be killed, called a fool, and accused of misleading others because of sharing the gospel.” The first church member came to Christ when she was healed of a prolonged sickness after the missionary prayed for her. The woman had spent much seeking a cure, including paying seven goats to local magicians and visiting Islamic sheikhs who recited the Quran over her. After she was healed, the church grew and now has nearly 50 members.
Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Kenya and learn how to pray.
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