Cousins Appeal Death Sentence in Blasphemy Case

In spring of 2023, two young men from a Christian family were convicted under Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws of blaspheming the Islamic prophet Mohammed. Conviction under these laws brings a mandatory death sentence. These laws are applied disproportionately against the small Christian minority in Pakistan. While these men appeal their cases, they remain on death row. Their families struggle to pay legal fees and provide for the young men’s needs in prison. One of the young men requested to continue his schooling via distance learning and has been allowed to start studying, but he has found more comfort in God’s Word: “I cried a lot for my family and freedom,” he told a front-line worker. “When I started to read the Bible, the Word of God gave me strength to bear this difficult time. Thank God, he shows his mercy on me. His words give me power, and I have read the whole Bible twice.”
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