Former Islamist – “I Don’t Get Peace If I Do Not Witness for Jesus”

Sheikh Ashim Hussein, 41 and father to nine children, grew up as a devout Muslim. Zealous for Islamic teachings, he sought to destroy Christianity and once mobilized his students to set fire to a church. But when the church members gathered at the sight of their burned church and prayed aloud for the forgiveness of those responsible, their witness bewildered Sheikh Ashim and shook his spiritual foundations. “These people are not healthy people,” he thought. “How can they pray that God forgives someone who burned their church? In my religion, we curse people who do evil things.” Eventually, Sheikh Ashim trusted Christ for salvation and left Islam. But when Sheikh Ashim’s Muslim community learned of his newfound faith, they rejected him, driving him from his home and threatening to kill him. Over the past decade, he has had to relocate multiple times due to ongoing harassment and threats. In spite of this, Sheikh Ashim boldly witnesses for Christ, and he has led 29 other sheikhs to salvation in Him. “I don’t get peace if I do not witness for Jesus,” he said. Pray for Sheikh Ashim as he continues to share the gospel with Muslims. Pray that he and his family will have all their needs met as they seek to rebuild their lives after a decade of persistent persecution.
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