Front-Line Workers Serve Christians in IDP Camp
Central African Republic

Christians have suffered greatly from ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic (CAR), where thousands have been forced from their homes. “These people are often the poorest of the poor,” said a front-line worker. “Entire villages have been destroyed, and people have had to flee with nothing. Some were digging up roots to have something to eat in order to survive.” The worker added that getting life-saving supplies (including tarps, emergency food, clothing and basic items such as cooking pots and water cans) to the internally displaced people (IDP) is extremely difficult: “Our greatest challenge is the transport of the relief supplies, including the fuel needed for the plane to shuttle the supplies. The trucks need a certain kind of 6-wheel drive vehicle, and very few have been available or willing to undertake the task due to the terrible and risky road conditions.”
Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Central African Republic and learn how to pray.
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