Hindus Harass Christians in Remote Village

Local Hindus vandalized a church in an isolated area of Nepal recently and threatened its pastor, but the church continues to meet for worship and fellowship. When a group of Hindus busted the church’s windows with rocks in the middle of the night, the pastor, Amrit Mahara, began sleeping in the church to protect it from further damage. A short time later, the Hindus interrupted a worship service to demand that the church stop meeting. Because of the disruption, Amrit discontinued the church service that day, but the church boldly resumed services the following week. Although the pastor has received several threatening phone calls, the church has experienced no further disruptions or damage. Amrit, who leads a congregation of about 50 believers, said the persecution has increased his prayer life and strengthened church members’ faith.
Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.
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