Muslim Family Hungers for God’s Word

A front-line worker recently requested prayer for a Muslim family who came to Christ after studying Scripture. Shakeel and his family were Muslims who shared a home with a Catholic Christian family. A Christian worker was visiting the Christian family regularly for prayer and encouragement when he was introduced to Shakeel’s family. The worker prayed for the Muslim family, and they felt moved and peaceful during his prayer. They requested he continue visiting them and teaching them the Word of God. The front-line worker gave them an Urdu Bible, which their teenage son was able to read for them. After some time, Shakeel told the worker he wanted to accept Jesus Christ as Lord. The worker immediately baptized Shakeel, and the rest of his family is in line for baptism as well. Pray for Shakeel and his family to continue growing in their faith. Pray that many more Muslims in Pakistan will hunger for the truth of God’s Word.
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