Seven Christians Detained, Fined after Police Raid Worship Service

On April 3, police raided Zion Reformed Church’s worship service. The authorities detained seven Christians, including the respective spouses of the church’s pastor and another member who were detained in late 2021 under the guise of preventing the spread of coronavirus. Each believer refused to sign a pledge stating they would no longer attend the church; as a result, authorities fined each Christian 500 yuan. They also confiscated their phones before releasing the believers. This incident is the latest in the government’s ongoing harassment of the church. Pray for Pastor An Yankui and Zhang Chenghao, who remain in prison. Pray that members of the church who have endured persecution will grow stronger in faith. Pray that the gospel continues to spread throughout China and that the church continues to find creative ways to gather.
Click here to find out about Christian persecution in China and learn how to pray.
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