Teacher’s Faithful Witness Leads to Job Loss

Nyok has taught for 14 years, serving the last six years as director of her village’s elementary school. A jealous coworker cursed Nyok, and she began to experience pain. When she prayed to accept Christ, the pain disappeared. Word spread at school that she was a Christian, and Nyok was warned by her administrators, the district education director and the Ministry of Education that, because her job is a government position, she could not follow a “western” religion. Nyok shared her testimony and refused to renounce her faith in Christ. She said, “It is okay to remove me from the director position, but I will not stop believing God. I have seen God’s grace on my life. He did many miraculous things in my life.” In May, Nyok was removed from her post as school director, but she continues to teach and look for ways to bless her students.
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