Prepared for Persecution Part 2: The Enemy’s Objective
President's Letter

Insights from Cole Richards, President of The Voice of the Martyrs, on Discipleship and Persecution
The following reflection on discipleship and persecution is part of a three-part series written by Cole Richards, President of The Voice of the Martyrs. In this insightful passage, he dives into the profound commitment required to love the Lord, emphasizing the inevitable opposition faced by those dedicated to proclaiming the gospel.
To love our Lord is to count the cost of discipleship and consider Him entirely worthy of our faithful obedience, no matter the price and no matter the opposition. As we commit daily to being His witnesses to a lost world, proclaiming His love and truth, and raising up disciples from all nations, we must understand that we will be opposed. In fact, the more faithful we are, the more serious the opposition. It is critical that we remember this truth and know why it is true.
Think of the tremendous human and financial resources that are spent opposing Christ at all levels of the fallen world, from the halls of government to rural villages. As you read the testimonies of faithful believers in our free magazine, consider that their persecutors exert themselves and expend precious resources to pursue and punish them rather than merely shrugging their shoulders at the silly Christians and ignoring them. For example, when we read the story of Zamira and Atamurat, we should understand that it is expensive to arrest and imprison Christians. What do the persecutors hope to receive as a return on their investment?
“Among the many false conspiracy theories of our time, there is a true conspiracy that we must not overlook.”
Modern Western culture has harmed us by obscuring the answer, making the tangible, material world so central to our thinking that we either rarely think of the spirit world or refuse to believe it even exists. God, who is spirit, created powerful spiritual beings and angels, and many of them are fallen. Their leader is devoted to our destruction, and though his power is nothing compared with God’s, he is active and has an ultimate objective. Among the many false conspiracy theories of our time, there is a true conspiracy that we must not overlook — the vast conspiracy of evil spiritual beings and their ultimate objective to silence a faithful witness for Christ.
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13). Note that in the original Greek, the complete phrase is “the evil one.” Christ taught us to pray in this way because we cannot be prepared for persecution unless we understand the enemy and his objective. Our battle is not against other people but rather the spiritual forces of evil that hold them captive (Ephesians 6:12). In obedience to Christ, let us resolve to pay the price to see the captives set free.
Our enemy wins if we misunderstand the battlefield by spending our resources on lesser objectives, fighting and clawing for the things of this world instead of working for the benefit of God’s eternal glory. Our enemy wins if we allow the message of Christ to be weakened or corrupted in order to make it more palatable to the whims of the fallen world. And our enemy wins easily if we are loud about other things but silent about the goodness and greatness of our Lord. Let us take our places alongside our persecuted Christian family members by being bold, faithful, and joyful witnesses for Christ — to our children, neighbors, and a lost world.
In Christ,

Cole Richards
President of The Voice of the Martyrs
Concluding Insights from Cole Richards, President of The Voice of the Martyrs, on Discipleship and Persecution
In conclusion, Cole Richards, President of The Voice of the Martyrs, draws attention to the significant resources deployed against Christ’s followers, prompting reflection on the sacrifices made by believers like Zamira and Atamurat, showcased in our free magazine. Cole Richards calls for a commitment to understanding the enemy, staying true to Christ’s teachings, and standing boldly alongside persecuted Christian family members.
Discover our I-AM-N video curriculum, blending real footage from the persecuted church with insightful commentary and teachings by Cole Richards, President of Voice of the Martyrs.
Read Prepared for Persecution Part 1 and Part 3.