Yao Christians Under Severe Pressure

Roughly 2.5 million Malawians are part of the Muslim Yao people group. According to front-line workers, God has been moving significantly among the Yao people in the last two decades. But in recent years, Yao Christians have experienced severe pressure. “They are beaten and cast out of their communities,” said a front-line worker. “When others find out they are Christian, they have 24 hours to leave the village, and then they will put a fatwa on their life,” he added. Churches have been burned down, Christians have been attacked and front-line workers are under extreme pressure: “They get so many death threats that one worker’s wife has developed severe PTSD and can no longer homeschool her own kids.” The front-line worker asked for prayer that Yao Christians will have courage to stand firm in their faith amid intense opposition.
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