Bob Fu

Once a dedicated communist, Bob grew bitter after the failure of the Tiananmen Square protests. Then he met Jesus Christ. Arrested, imprisoned and forced to flee for his life, Bob and his wife escaped Hong Kong hours before the Chinese takeover in 1997. Today Bob is the foremost voice for persecuted Christians in China, speaking in ministry, media and even at The White House.
A Bible for Every Believer
Every believer in Jesus Christ should have access to a copy of the Scriptures, and this goal is achievable in our generation. No road is too difficult and no risk is too great when our brothers and sisters are crying out for God’s Word. Your gift of a Bible will be a great blessing to a Christian in a hostile area or restricted nation who may never have owned a copy.
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For any monthly gift of $40 or more, you’ll receive the Virtual VOM Advance Conference Pack, which includes Tortured for Christ — The Movie, Tortured for Christ 50th Anniversary Edition book, an I Am N wristband, and a VOM Global Prayer Journal. Check the monthly gift option above to reply to this special offer!