Session 3The Journey Toward Discipleship

Richard and Sabina were relatively new Christians when the Nazi occupation dramatically changed life in Romania.
- As you viewed the checkpoint scene, what did you realize about the seriousness of their situation due to their official designation as Jews?
- Do you think they had prepared to make the decision they chose? Explain your answer.
- How are you and other Christians you know prepared to live out your faith under the threat of difficult, and perhaps dangerous, challenges?
Christians around the world—not unlike the Wurmbrands and Pastor Soodmand—are obediently walking out their faith and joyfully paying a price that will bear fruit for eternity.
Read James 1:22–25.
- What essential step must we take in order to walk out our faith in a similar manner and join the global body of Christ in bringing honor to God’s name?
- How does the faithful obedience of Pastor Soodmand, Rashin, and the Wurmbrands inspire you to walk out your faith?
Each one of us will face challenges and choices on our faith journey. No matter what circumstances we may be called to endure, our loving God promises his presence, grace, and mercy to sustain us.
- Today, what challenges face you in your faith journey? How will you choose to remain faithful to Christ in the face of these challenges?