Session 4Necessary Risk

When Richard and Sabina became Christians, they prayed that God would give them a cross to bear. Rather than running from persecution, they recognized that sharing in Christ’s suffering was the calling of biblical disciples. The idea of taking up our cross and following Jesus is antithetical to everything the world presents as worthy (Luke 9:23–25). To Jesus’ disciples, it must have been horrifying. They understood in a way we can’t imagine what it meant to bear a cross and die to self.
- Read Revelation 5:9–12. Why is Christ worthy of this extreme sacrifice?
- According to Romans 12:1–2, what kind of worship is Christ worthy to receive from those of us who would follow him?
Like the Wurmbrands and the Kohs, biblical disciples are opposed, abused, imprisoned, abducted, and even killed for the activity of their faith birthed by their belief in Christ. Seeing things God’s way and thinking God’s thoughts give biblical Christians the ability to take steps of obedience, no matter the price they will pay. They know the cost is real, but they overcome any fear by anchoring their lives in God’s Word and through abiding in Christ day by day.
- Which key spiritual discipline did both couples recognize as essential preparation for being a living sacrifice for Christ?
- Why is knowing God’s Word so important in the life of a biblical disciple? What does it accomplish in the heart, mind, and life of a faithful follower of Jesus?
Susanna Koh talked about God receiving the glory for whatever we sacrifice for him and mentioned that he does a “deep work” in our lives to make that possible.
- What do you think she meant by that statement? What brings about a “deep work” in our lives?
- What next step—what obedience despite risk—will you commit to take as a follower of Christ?